On a typical school day, colourful and crazy beanies aren’t part of the Bremer State High School uniform, except on the 8th of June when the inaugural “Beanies for Brain Cancer Day @Bremer”gave students and staff alike the enjoyment of wearing beanies for a great cause.
Karen Berlin, Business Teacher and co-organiser of the fundraiser said, “the reason we kicked it off was because a student in Year 12 suffers from brain tumours.”
“My other co-designer, Liz Ricketts sadly lost her brother to brain cancer so this topic touches her strongly.
“I tried to get it started last year but it didn’t get off the ground, but the number of emails I got this year from different staff members who have been directly affected by this awful disease was shocking.. so we knew it was the perfect time to Christen the “Beanies for Brain Cancer @Bremer” fundraiser.”
Staff and students were able to raise $1000.95 via gold coin donation and the sale of handmade beanies made by students, which will now be directly donated to the Mark Hughes Foundation.
Ms Berlin said apart from the fundraising aspect, one of the most touching parts of the event was the students researching into the devastating effects of brain cancer, and the lack of funding available for the cause.
“Once we looked at the stats, we learned that brain cancer is the most deadly disease in young children.. they haven’t been able to come up with any cures of any sort and yet it gets the least amount of funding from the Government,” she said.
“In doing things like this, the kids get so much out of it… they’re putting themselves into the shoes of other people worse off than them. It’s a good learning and life skill for them to go through campaigns like this.”
Anyone wishing to help the Mark Hughes Foundation raise vital funds for brain cancer research, can donate at markhughesfoundation.com.au.