Chemist reopens in Ipswich Mall

: Cr Andrew Antoniolli with Bob and Todd Slater celebrate the opening with Terry White Group CEO Anthony White

After 38 years as a chemist in the Ipswich CBD, Bob Slater and his son Todd have reopened in a new location under the Terry White Chemmart franchise – the first of its kind in Australia.

Celebrating their grand opening, the Slaters said the decision to remain in the mall was an easy one. “We want to be part of the revitalisation of the CBD,” Todd said. “Dad’s been here for 38 years, we’re loyal to the Mall and we want to stay.”

Bob opened his first pharmacy in July 1979 in Bell Street, with Terry White Chemmart being the fourth brand change for the Slater family.

The decision to rebrand from their previous Discount Drug Store to Terry White Chemmart means customers have access to a strong dispensary as well as an impressive health and beauty aspect – a makeup counter, more vitamins, a flu clinic and more.

“The Terry White Chemmart franchise gives us better buying power, they’re a really good group and very proactive, they’ve given us new ideas and even helped us with the shop design.. it’s just magnificent,” Bob said.

Councillor Antoniolli said Bob and the Slater family have always had a significant relationship with both the Ipswich CBD and Ipswich City Properties.

“This is a brand new product, the first of it’s kind and it’s here in Ipswich,” Cr Antoniolli said.

Terry White Chemmart is open at Shop 601/602, Ipswich City Square, Ipswich.