Been thinking of making a seedling herb garden, but don’t know where to start? Spring is a great time to prepare seedlings for planting. This easy seedling starter kit will get you set up for a healthy herb garden in just a few steps!
What you’ll need:
- 2 egg cartons
- Crushed egg shells or coffee
grounds - Potting mix or soil
- Seeds
- Spray bottle
Creating the seedling starters:
- Cut the lid off of your first egg carton and place underneath the second.
- Put in the potting mix and crushed egg-shells into each egg indent. The egg-shells will provide nutrients for the seedlings as they grow.
- Spray the potting mix with water until it is thoroughly damp.
- Plant your seeds. Make an indent with your finger as deep as needed for that particular seeds and sow according to the directions.
- Cover with soil and place in the sun.
- Plant your seedlings, egg cartons and all once seedlings have sprouted.
Pro tip:
If you have eggshells left over, you can put the potting mix straight into these and plant your seeds as normal.
Care: Herbs love regular watering and proper drainage so make sure they continue to receive this love after you’ve transferred them to a proper pot.
Seasonal Herbs: The best herbs to plant in the Queensland Spring are basil, chives, chilli, ginger, dill, oregano, parsley and mint.