Exciting Year Ahead at Allys Kindy


Allys Kindy is a family-owned Childcare Centre in Ipswich that strongly believes in providing a warm and nurturing environment where children can learn and develop in an atmosphere of trust. We believe one of the many things that sets us apart from other centres is the commitment of our educators.

Located just 3 minutes from the back gate of RAAF Amberley, Allys Kindy in One Mile has a Queensland Government Kindergarten Approved Program. It is delivered by our qualified, 4 year trained early childhood teacher for children in the years prior to Prep, for 40 weeks a year.

Exciting things will be happening this year for the children at Allys, with the introduction of the new one-on-one ‘Personal Reading Program’ designed to get Kindergarten children ready for Prep using word recognition and learning word skills.

This year every age group will spend time with on-staff Educator and Music Teacher Fleur, who will teach the children an age-appropriate fun and educational ‘Introduction To Music’.

Allys Kindy caters for children from 6 weeks up to 5 years old, with a staffed kitchen located on the premises, lots of grassed areas for playtime, plus an ‘Open Door’ policy. This means as parents, we value your opinion and feedback.

For more information, to arrange a tour or enquire about enrolments, call 3282 8888 anytime, or check our website at allyskindy.com.au