Help our RSPCA


Care for all creatures great and small

Dust off your joggers and get your pooches excited – the RSPCA’s Annual ‘Million Paws Walk’ is coming to town!

On May 20th, the Walk will gather dog lovers across Australia to make a stand for animals in need. Ipswich’s very own event, to be held at Limestone Park between 8:30am-12:30pm, will be brimming with activities, food, furry friends and more.

The event is all about walking your way to a better world and a healthier you, so pop it into your calendar. Better yet, register on the RSPCA website to let your friends and family know and get them to sponsor your efforts for the Million Paws Challenge.

Funds raised through the ‘Million Paws Walk’ registrations, merchandise sales and online fundraising will go towards RSPCA programs, adoption, veterinary services, campaigns and their Inspectorate.

For more details on the event, visit to help support all creatures great and small.

Remember, if you can’t attend on the day, you can always contribute in other ways like donating, volunteering or even adopting a rescue animal!

For more information visit to find your fur-rever friend.