The Ipswich Festival that residents have come to know and love over the years is almost here – but with a twist. The usual two week fiesta will now be condensed into a four day festival from the 11th to 14th of April.
Still featuring the city’s favourite events like Parade of Light, Fire on the River, Jazz and Blues, Unmasked and more, there’s one notable absentee – the Mayor’s Ball.
Interim Administrator Greg Chemello said this year’s event will also feature a ‘Festival Village’ – a buzzing hub housed on Timothy Molony Park.
“It’s going to be a fantastic festival celebrating arts, culture and music, and everything about Ipswich,” Mr Chemello said.
“[We are] expecting 25,000 visitors, mostly from Ipswich but also from Brisbane and other parts of South East Queensland to celebrate this wonderful time of year in April.”
Mr Chemello denies that the now council led festival was shortened for budget restraints, but rather to clearly brand when the festival is, and to create a “hub” like atmosphere at Timothy Malony Park.
“It’s a much more efficient and effective way of delivering a festival,” he said.
The new formula, if successful could lead to funding from the Queensland Government’s tourism and events arm.
“That’s part of the formula.. for us to meet the planning application for funding requirements from Queensland events, we need to have a contained hub where we can measure the attendance.”
The festival, which has been planned for the past six months will involve uniquely specialised workshops, main stage performances, The Arena for young children and youth and of course, a selection of food and drink – all within the main Festival Village.
However events like Fire on the River and Parade of Light will still take place in their usual locations.
Festival must-do events:
The Parade of Light held on Saturday April 13 from 6pm until 6:45 through the main streets of Ipswich will feature large lantern effigies, musical and dance performances, street theatre and more!
Jazz & Blues held on Sunday April 14 from 11am to 6pm in Festival Village.
Honk! In Ellenborough Street will display vintage, veteran and classic cars on Sunday, April 13 – all with rockabilly bands, dancing and top of town restaurant activities.
Unmasked will showcase the talent of local school students who paint a 1.5m mask, on display between April 8 and 14 at St. Paul’s Anglican Chuch, Brisbane Street.