Ipswich Farmers & Artisan Markets has its first ever Chef Ambassador.
Hailing from Calabria, Italy Carmel Carmichael is passionate about growing, preparing and eating high quality, wholesome food. Carmel has come on board with Ipswich Farmers & Artisans Markets to introduce and develop new healthy food programs, community cooking classes and assist with the community’s paddock-to-plate food education – to help customers really understand what they are buying, eating and cooking, and how to make high quality local produce an easy fit into their busy lives.
“I love the concept of the “Cucina Povera” which means the “poor kitchen” and it refers to the inventiveness of the women who needed to come up with something nutritional and tasty for their family, using basic, in-season ingredients.” stated Carmel. I’ve had the pleasure of learning these traditions from the many different women – mother, nona, aunties – and chefs in my life. Tips and tricks that I use every day.
As a mother of three, I understand how expensive, time consuming and tiring it can be to run a busy household – especially with a job outside of the home as well. I love nothing more than to cook and promote fresh, local produce that are in season, abundant and affordable – for my family and in my business. And I love teaching my children the what I learned at my Nona’s table.”
Carmel started her own fresh food promotion business 5 years ago and has been cooking and showcasing for Fresh Food retailers and Gourmet Food & Wine Expo’s nationally.
Carmel is passionate about encouraging children to eat healthy and tasty food. She founded “Kids in the Kitchen” to provide children with the opportunity to learn easy recipes that they could make themselves, creating a new generation of passionate and eager eaters, more open to trying new foods.
“Carmel’s Cuchina Povera” will be launching on July 9th and will start out as a monthly feature within the farmers markets.