With over 150 years of experience in teaching boys, we understand what makes them tick.
Over this time we have developed and implemented innovative approaches to address the specific needs of boys as students.
Boys learn by doing. They are active learners. They need to be heard. They are strongly influenced by peers and adult mentors. Their learning drops off if classroom discipline is not maintained.Yet they respond to the right incentives, and teachers have a strong impact.
Our focus is to recognise each boy as an individual and offer him the opportunities to discover and explore his full potential. We encourage the boys to be self-motivated, to strive to do their best in everything they do, and to have the confidence to take risks.
We provide them with the tools to express themselves clearly and to share their ideas; to be creative, innovative, and enterprising thinkers, to know how to gather and analyse information and make informed decisions. These are the tools they will need for tomorrow’s world. Our students are among those who will be the thinkers and leaders of the 21st Century.
Talents, abilities, and challenges, are recognised and teachers are able to accommodate different rates and styles of learning. From Prep to Year 12, learning support specialists work closely with classroom teachers on a daily basis to monitor students’ core learning.
They have the skills and knowledge to extend gifted and talented boys and assist those needing extra help. Inclusive support is offered within the classroom setting so the boy’s educational experience is both stimulating and comprehensive.
The boys are encouraged to find their own pathway and be proud of their individual achievements.
To give every boy the opportunity to reach his dreams, he needs to have best start to his school life.
Big dreams start here, Bright Futures start here, It all starts here.
To find out more about Ipswich Grammar, to see the school in action and judge for yourself, take a personal tour of the campus on Open Day and meet with the Ipswich Grammar leadership team. For more information visit www.ipswichgrammar.com or call our Admissions Team on 3813 9604.