PCYC’s Community Work Skills program is helping women, particularly mothers and women who face barriers, return to the work force. The program, currently in it’s third iteration trains participants to qualify for a Certificate III in Childhood Education and Care, and there’s the option to continue on with a diploma and tertiary study.
The program boasts an 86 per cent success rate of participant employment upon completion.
Marrisa Schnaubelt, a mother of three heard about the program through her boss when she was working in childcare. The flexibility and support provided by the mentors allowed Marrisa to level up and land a full time job.
“I’ve got three kids with one in high school so doing it around those hours I could come here and do it and still pick up the kids; it was really supportive,” she said.
The program operates under the government funded Skilling Queenslanders for Work grant. Government training agencies like Sapere Education and Training, pair up with organisations like PCYC to help participants gain the accreditation they require to gain long-term employment.
Tamika Dyson, a Sapere training manager, says that sharing an office with PCYC mentors allows for a more holistic approach to training, meaning that women are guided through a soft skills package as well as vocational training.
Many women undertaking the course face challenges presented by domestic violence situations or homelessness and the well rounded support networks and opportunities like soft skills created by the program, are just as essential as the academic training.
Beck Field, the PCYC program co-ordinator stressed that this was essential to longevity of success.
“We do scenario simulations, we do lock downs and real fire drills and other realistic situations.
We’ve had great reviews from directors in the centres saying “ it’s really great to have a student come in that’s prepared.”
The program is open to anyone who would like to join. To find out if you are eligible or for more information contact the Ipswich PCYC on 0447 860 297 or at [email protected].
Photo: Marrisa Schnaubelt (Participant), Beck Field (PCYC – Programs Coordinator), Jacquie Stark (PCYC – Community Development Officer), Patricia Barrie (Sapere Education & Training Director), Tamika Dyson (Sapere Education & Training Manager)