Right bin out with new app

Ipswich City Council Bin App

Ever struggled to remember which bin should go out each week?

Thanks to a new free app from Ipswich City Council, hopefully the sight of someone running up the road in their pyjamas towing a wheelie bin will be a things of past. The Bin App set-up by Ipswich Waste Services gives residents information about bin night.

Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale said the free mobile app provided bin night reminders and as it was linked to individual addresses it was able to show exactly what bin needed to be placed on the kerbside on a particular night.

“It is all about ensuring that the right waste goes in the right bin on the right day,” he said.

There’s also web-based information for those who look it up on their internet browser.

The app can be accessed for free at www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/ipswichbinapp

The app would also support once-off custom events like the Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Day and could broadcast messages to everyone that has downloaded the app.

This broadcast feature will be useful to advise residents of service disruptions and emergency events.

The app also has a waste materials module to allow Council to list the appropriate bin for a particular waste item and provide recycling instructions.