Travis Vinson, owner of ‘Graffiti Murals’, has brought spectacular art and colour to the Ipswich CBD with bold and colourful graffiti murals depicting parts of Ipswich history, and local events.
Outside the Queensland Motor Museum the legend of Peter Brock and his famous .05 Holden Torana XU1 have been immortalised in mural imaging. On the local front, the fabulous ‘Kitsch in the Swich’ event is displayed in a mass of colour and one with a simple welcome message in beautiful orange tones, featuring the iconic T.C.Beirne building.
Travis is a talented and experienced artist who has a strong attitude of ‘spreading a positive message’ through his art.
With a prominent interest in art at an early age Travis started his career signwriting and transforming chalkboards for local businesses. He did briefly go down the wrong path with graffiti and got in trouble with the Police but realised it was something he loved and couldn’t give up. Travis had to find an alternative way to continue with graffiti and started his company ‘Graffiti Murals’ and businesses now pay him to transform their properties.
Chances are many Ipswich people have already seen his murals.
Travis actively discourages any kind of tagging or illegal graffiti; he has worked hard to build a solid reputation so his mission is to only undertake approved works.
Travis encourages the youth of today who may be on the destructive path of illegal graffiti, to practise art and express themselves legally.
Mayor Paul Pisasale has welcomed the idea of more artwork in the city, and Travis feels it’s a great way of deleting tags and transforming blank walls into spectacular and long lasting imagery.
Anyone wanting their own graffiti art or information on a graffiti workshop are welcome to hire the services of Travis or one of his graffiti artists at or follow his artwork on instagram@drapl