Five Fast Fitness Tips For Keeping Fit at Home

Woman training at home

Five Fast Fitness Tips For Keeping Fit at Home
Words By Sally McWilliam

1. Movement can be done anywhere, anytime. Don’t wait until ‘after lunch’ or ‘next Monday.’ You can start today. In fact, you can start right now! Stand up, bend forward at the hips and reach downwards for a good leg stretch.

2. Write down the day and time you plan to exercise. Treat it like any other appointment. It is just as important to your health as your GP. When you write something down, you own it. And you’re far more likely to action it.

3. Use your waiting time. Waiting at the post office? Do your pelvic floor exercises. Kettle boiling? Lie down on your living room floor, hug your knees to your chest and stretch your lower back.

4. Multitask. If you’re a woman, you’ve probably been multitasking for years. Think; a few squats while hanging out the washing, lunging while playing with the kids or walking up and down the stairs while on the phone.

5. Join a (virtual) fitness class. A group environment might just be the motivational boost you need to see those positive you want. Having an appointment, and knowing you’re in a group will add a layer of accountability most of us need.

These small actions might not seem like much, and you might be thinking “will these tips even help?”
The fact is, all movement matters! If you want to feel a bit stronger, move a bit easier and live a little healthier, including small, manageable bits of movement into your day is the way to make it happen.

Sally is a Body Positive Fitness Professional, Speaker and Lover of Cheese. To find out more about Sally visit her website