Here are some basic guidelines for editorial submissions
If you have already written the article, you can either send it to the News Editor as an e-mail attachment along with a concise description of the scope of the article and a short introduction of yourself or via the LifeStyle Queensland Website. The Editor will then contact you to tell you whether or not the article has been accepted for publication and to indicate the next steps.
If you have not yet written the article, then it is best to send an e-mail to the Editor first with a concise description of the scope of the proposed article and a short introduction to yourself. The Editor will then contact you in due course to tell you whether or not the proposed article has been accepted for publication and to indicate the next steps.
Useful points to know when submitting an article
Deadline: This is the date by which you should send the text and accompanying photos and graphics to the Editor. The date is agreed between you and the Editor when you get the go-ahead to submit the article. Deadlines may be weeks in advance of actual publication because time is needed to edit the articles and to have them scheduled for an upcoming theme.
Length: The length of the articles in LifeStyle Queensland magazine range from around 150 words to 400 words for longer articles. When writing an article, the basic rule of thumb is to tell your story simply and directly, without adding complicated details.
Editing: Few contributors are professional writers but this should not discourage you from proposing an article, because the information you have to share may be very useful to our readership. We will edit your article and return it to you for agreement before publication.
Format: Please do not attempt to submit your article formatted as you think it should appear in the magazine. A simple Word document with headline and subheads works just fine.
Photos and graphics: Relevant illustrations are welcome (including your own photo, as author of the article). For print publication, photo files need to be in 300 dpi resolution.
Captions: Please remember to include captions for photos and graphics. You can place them at the end of the text or place them in the text at the approximate place where the illustrations should go.
Copyright: Please indicate the source of the illustrations, including any photo credits necessary. You cannot just take photographs off the Internet without obtaining permission from the copyright holders.