Home and Garden Special Feature


Is it time for an upgrade or renovation at home? Here we feature the best businesses to help you with that!

March is a great time of year to think about re-decorating, renovating or updating things around the home. With a long weekend in March for Easter and a public holiday for Anzac Day in April, it enables you to spend extra time on those changes around the home that you’ve been putting off. It’s also a good time to prepare for seasonal changes – like installing air-conditioning for the winter months with Chek Air Conditioning or changing your flooring to something that won’t freeze your feet in the winter mornings with Choices Flooring by Mallets. If it’s a major living and lifestyle revamp you’re looking for, Cassie Smith, Interior Designer and writer for La-Z-Boy Australia has shared a few tips with Lifestyle Queensland on how you can colour the living room happy.

Colour can relax us, invigorate us but also depress us. You can style your living room in ways that create a mood that’s right for you.

Colour One (Blue)

Blue is the most calming of all colours and has been linked to lowering blood pressure and heart rate. It evokes tranquility and calmness and increases creativity and contemplation.

Blue is always an excellent choice of colour, whether it be a painted wall, an armchair or even just accessories to create relaxing spaces. Try swapping out some coloured accessories or furniture in your home and replacing them with blue ones – I bet you’ll feel a difference!

Colour Two (Orange)

Motivation, energy and optimism are commonly associated with the colour orange. At the same time, orange can cause negative visual stimulation so maybe hold off on painting the entire house orange! Use orange sparingly – a chair, a cushion or a throw, or even just some flowers if you don’t want to commit to a colour as bold as orange just yet.

Colour Three (White):

You really can’t go wrong with white. By decorating with white furniture, paint and textiles you can create a calming, clean, fresh look. My favourite thing about white is there isn’t such a thing as too little or too much. White looks good with everything so you can have your house head to toe white or use white as a foundation for the walls and add pops of colour where you see fit. Something to remember when dealing with white is to mix up the textures as much as you can to avoid a clinical look – think textures like leather, brick and wool… The more the merrier.

Colour Four (Tan)

Shades of brown like tan can add depth and an earthy richness to your space. Browns have the ability to make any room feel warm and inviting, depending on how you use it. Much like orange, too much brown can be a bad thing. All you need to do is think back to 70’s interior design and you’ll see what I mean. When decorating with brown think carefully about the shade of brown. Some people prefer rich chocolate browns while others, like myself, are much more keen on light, desaturated browns like camel or a sandy brown. Try a tan leather sofa, a cow hide rug or even a blonde wood coffee table if you want something a bit softer.

If a living room revival is on the cards, be sure to explore your decorating desires at Furniture Court Ipswich’s La-Z-Boy Gallery – 30 South Street, Ipswich.