Bid on the house that Youth Justice built


Ipswich Hospital Foundation CEO Phillip Bell said he is pleased to announce that the donated cubby house will be auctioned off at the Swich On Inc. Annual Christmas Race Day.
“Great things happen with a little help from our friends, business and community and IHF loves working with organisations like Ipswich Youth Justice and Swich On Inc. to address local health issues,� Mr Bell said.

“This donation could not have come at a better time, just ahead of Christmas when the health community needs us most.

Swich on Inc. President Brad Bulow said Swich On Inc are elated to be the recipient of a unique, hand crafted ‘Cubby House’, donated by Ipswich Youth Justice via their Woodwork Transition to Construction Program.

“The item will be auctioned on the Swich On Inc. Annual Race Day and is expected to generate great interest and raise crucial funds to be disbursed to the benefactors of the day: the Ipswich Hospital Foundation and Swich On mental health community fund.

“Strategic partnerships like these, I believe help unite our great town and bring together people and organisations that all share similar idealistic goals, to help those who are doing it tough and just need that bit of extra support to make their lives that bit more rewarding and enriching.�
Ipswich Youth Justice Service Centre Manager Nima Pulou said, “Youth Justice are proud to be affiliated with such a worthy cause: Men’s Health initiatives via Swich On. Men’s health is particularly relevant given 68 per cent of our cohort are young men.

“Our Woodwork Program has seen hundreds of young people learn carpentry skills and complete projects which have been donated back to not-for-profit organisations as part of community service.

“The very first cubby house ever built by young people with Youth Justice was back in 2004 for Ipswich Hospital Foundation.

“It is a wonderful way for young people who have broken the law to repair the harm and give back to their communities in a positive and meaningful way.

“Our young people and their families will be proud to know that the cubby house will benefit the Ipswich Hospital, which provides health care for them and their families. This project is sure to have a lasting impact on young people’s sense of achievement, motivation to contribute to community, and hopefully encourage better and positive life choices,� Ms Pulou said.

The Cubby House will be auctioned at the Swich On Inc. Annual Christmas Race Day on Friday 14th December. Tickets for the Race Day are available at