Skin tips from the stars!


Oh winter! You’ve done it again. Lips are peeling, hands are cracking, and the wind seems to bite at every pore. It would seem that despite slathering moisturiser on every morning, it’s just not working, so what’s going on? Here are a few tips from the best skin in the biz that can help you nip the winter woes in the bud.


Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter

Beyonce cleanses with an oil rich baby oil. She says our skin reacts to temperature changes and requires a different response in winter. Just because it’s the end of the day doesn’t mean it’s time to scrub off all of the make up with your usual cleanser. If you’re having dry problems, consider changing it up and giving your face the gift of a hydrating cleanser. This can be in the form of a cream no-rinse cleanser as well as an oil bar or even baby oil!


Cate Blanchett

Winter sun is still going to damage your skin. Cate Blanchett, lifelong suncream lover has achieved a sun-defying feat that’s astounding for a fair-haired lady, even in Hollywood. The result is glowing, fresh skin, free from sun spots and scars. She attributes this to a lifelong love affair with suncream, and she is vigilant in what she uses- 50+ only.


Halle Berry

When the cold wind blows and things get tough, Berry slaps on a hydrating face mask to bring her thirsty skin back to life. A mask isn’t necessary every day, but if you’ve got problem skin that is accerbated by winter, they can be your best friend. Moisturise in all of the left over goodness once you remove it and if you’re using make up after, reach for a hydrating primer to lock in the moisture.


Bryce Dallas Howard

This porcelain beauty dotes upon her Clarisonic, an exfoliating tool that helps to lift dead skin and impurities to make it glow. Exfoliating should go hand in hand with moisturising in order to give dry skin the kick it deserves.