Trash to treasure for Springfield Parish


Our Lady of the Southern Cross Catholic Parish in Springfield Lakes has raised $16,000 through the recently introduced Containers for Change scheme, saving 160,000 containers from landfill in the process.

The money raised will go towards both national and international charities for the disadvantaged.
The Springfield Catholic parish began collecting containers to deposit at the Queensland Government’s Containers for Change container refund scheme last year.

They have since raised $8,000 for Catholic Mission (Ghana Project), $4,000 for the local St. Vincent de Paul, and $4,000 for Blind Eye Ministry which journeys with the most vulnerable in our society.

Father Mauro Conte, a priest at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Catholic Parish said the idea was largely a community initiative that showcased the efforts the parish made to be an outward reaching community.

“There is an undeniable sense of belonging and therefore a sense of discipleship that connects everyone even in such a simple task as recycling, especially when there is a common goal.”
Parishioners and community members bring their containers to the bins at the front of the Church and parishioners volunteer to sort the donations.

Local businesses Bombay Bliss Orion Springfield, Brookwater Barista, Brookwater Coffee Club, Grill’d Orion Springfield, Guzman Gomez Orion Springfield, Mater Private Hospital Springfield Lakes, Peak Thai Orion Springfield, Eat Sushi Orion Springfield, Garden Restaurant Springfield and Golden House Vietnamese & Chinese Restaurant at SpringLake Metro also donate their used containers to the project.

The Queensland containers for change scheme has given further money towards the program through a grant that will allow them to purchase a trailer, small shed, more bins and other equipment required to handle the influx of containers.
Father Conte said the response from businesses was heart warming and that it is a great start for what will become an ongoing project.

“We are grateful for all those involved, from our parishioners to the businesses whom have already made such a difference, and in the same voice we invite more parishioners and businesses to become our partners in change.”

“Our target next year is to reach $20,000 and every cent will go to charities, of which we’ll decide on later in the year.

Springfield parish is passionate about changing lives and is committed to looking after the poor. They would love for more people to join them, so if you are interested in supporting this project, bring containers to the bins at the parish entrance at any time, or use the scheme ID number C10063619 when depositing containers at any Queensland container refund point.

If you are a local business interested in supporting this project, please contact the parish at [email protected] or call 07 3324 3900.