- with Matt Leacy, Landart Landscapes
“Lawns tend to be one of the more neglected areas of the garden over winter,” says Matt.
“Luckily, spring is one of the best times to get lawns looking lush and green again.”
“The key steps for spring lawn care include removing thatch and also aerating the lawn to help get water and nutrients through to the turf zone,” Matt says.
“If you’re working with a big lawn, you might look at using a mortised aerator. Otherwise, you can use spiked aerator shoes or a simple garden fork.”
“But beware of cutting into any irrigation lines running beneath the lawn, as this can be a very expensive mistake to rectify,” Matt cautions.
“Once you’ve removed thatch and aerated, add some course sand or top dressing over the lawn – and don’t forget to fertilise with something high in nitrogen, and preferably organic,” says Matt.
“In terms of watering, I recommend giving lawns a deep soaking at least two times a week, keeping in mind any water restrictions that may exist in your area,” adds Matt.
“This may change depending on weather conditions, but as a general rule-of-thumb, it’s best to give lawns two solid drenches as opposed to five light sprinklings.”
“If you’re looking to establish a new lawn from scratch, I’d opt for something hardy and drought-tolerant,” says Matt.
“Buffalo Grasses, such as Sapphire or Sir Walter are often good choices,” Matt says. They tend to cope better than other types of grasses with minimal water – and they bounce back pretty quickly after rainfall or watering.”
“Sir Walter and Sapphire tolerate more physical traffic than most grasses, so they’re a good choice for families with kids and pets.”